[doorbell rings] [ring] woman: wei-lai, hello! luca! luca: wei-lai!nning footsteps] wei-lai, what do you want to do today? wei-lai: oh. i'm--i'm actually here to see you, mrs. francis. let's be honest. we both know luca is a bit...academically challenged. luca: accidentally what? mrs. francis: no. wei-lai: well, remember that time where we got our math izzes back and you said you wished he was more like me? mrs. francis: uh...no, no. wei-lai: well, here's your chance. i'm offeng myself for adoption. [zipper slides] [papers rustling] here's my report card. you see i've continuously exceled in all fields. the only class i'm behind in is physical education, but i think i can surpass him with the proper training and tutelage. so you feel like an upgrade? [birds chirping] isn't this great? we start off as best friends, and now we're proper brothers. hmm. if we move your bed to that side of the wall, we could fit my bed on the other side. luca: what?! we-- wei-lai: or we could have bunk beds. that would give even-- luca: why are you doing this to me? wei-la