going around all the time never never die is that where the explosion occurred jack's weicker. first said. hey houston. we have a problem here. the capsule communicator came back and said say again please i then said houston we have had a problem and that this rules two story about that of course where they made the movie. they had tom hanks say and he said we have a problem two last questions. when i think of austin ought to retire now you are a successful businessman but many of them couldn't really find their place in life after the fate i retired from active duty a lot of them suffered clinical depression alcoholism why is that why is it that when awesomeness retire they can always find the right way on earth. well i think it's very similar to that old saying that after you've been perry what else is there you know. it is it's a high point in everybody's life and then with that high point stops and you go back to living a normal life again a lot of times it's hard to recover because many people will say yes i understand what you did but what can you do for me now and so. to