weiener, aye. the motion carries. >> motion passes. congratulations commissioner.the gavel is yours. >> thank you commissioner campos and thank you colleagues for your support; i take to heart a lot of the comments he made about but you see this body should be doing and what the chair should be doing. those are things that i've been talking about for a long time. the word equity said almost by everyone; i see the power of his body is to make sure to create a better equity about how we build our infrastructure in san francisco. all of those who live and work here rely on our transportation system to get us to our job, to school, to make sure we have access to all of the services that we need and this body is going to be critical to make that happen. i am excited about carrying out the tradition of outgoing chair campos about looking at the neighborhoods, to make sure we have a neighborhood focus, to our deliberations, and i want to make sure we continue with the presentations on the neighborhoods by district here in this committee but also working with each of you i