possible to allow public comment and have more questions after public comment, but i know supervisor wein had supervisors wiener had questions and then allow members of the public to speak, if they need to leave. >> i do have some questions for mr. teague. specifically as to the impact fee that i mentioned in the beginning that you covered in your presentation, where if a project goes above a certain size, there are changes to the impact fees, specifically affordable housing fees go up and other impact fees, including transit impact fees go down. can you talk a little bit about where that proposal came from? >> sure. i can give you some basic information on that and how it works. obviously jim niko and others are here to provide more intent about the treatment of those sites in the process. the general idea is essentially those are large sites that can accommodate potentially a larger amount of growth. where having an additional floor may be valuable enough to, if you create an incentive like this, have this trade-off happen. as was mentioned affordable housing is a very important goal as