really, the argument we are having instead of reagan and captain wein berger we have ambassador and clinton who are vacillate weak. i think even steve would support more foreign aid if we had reagan. >> think of what reagan and weine berger did. >> they funded genuine democrats when they put money in the old soviet union. they sought out people that shared our ideal, not the muslim brotherhood. there is sometimes a democracy that leds to good things and sometimes leads to bad things. we should only fund people who share our interest? >> right. >> what we used to call eastern central and now central not aid to existing governments but providing fax machine to solidary to help undermine the regime. that is a maul amount of money. i wouldn't call that foreign aid. that would be part of the defense budget and under president reagan it worked. giving money to bureaucracy breeds corruption. >> solidariity and the leader became president of poland. they shared our interest. if the money is going to the muslim brotherhood and if they are winning the elections, they don't share our interest, do they