also with me, ellen weintraub, a commissioner for the federal election commission.da where we mark ballots by hand, get counted by hand and government people count them. some of them are appointed by whatever the electoral body, maybe they're volunteers or are paid, and there are people who monitor those elections. this business of a random company coming in, a company led by somebody who has a dog in this fight seems very strange and unseemly to me. >> yes, it is quite unusual. i have observed elections around the world, and i've never seen anything quite like this. election officials from across the country, both democrats and republicans have expressed a great deal of concern about this. there's nothing wrong with auditing the election after an election. in fact, it should be done by experienced, accredited, non-partisan professionals. unfortunately, this company doesn't seem to meet any of those criteria. it's deeply troubling that they have their hands on the ballot and neutral observers like that reporter are being thrown out of the room. there is a deeply tro