weissmann: when the dam was put in, it kind of choked down the high flows. it sees episodic events that really changed the river around, spread things out, make the channel jump out of where it was and go to a new spot, and so that's what we've tried to recreate as a dynamic system. we just want all kinds of areas. we're not ever shooting for one kind of area, but we really are trying to unlock the potential of the river to maintain its own habitat. [beeping] this is all rock that we process from the mining tailings. the tailings are an artifact of the bucket-dredge mining. essentially, all the gravel and sediment that got processed on the conveyor belt to remove the gold, no amount of river power can scour them or remove them. they need to be manually removed. that's probably our most experienced operator right there, roger boulby, and he's working on one of the most difficult parts of the project we've run into so far, which is trying to excavate a bend in the river, and this won't be the river anymore. this'll be a gravel bar, and that will be the river o