>> welith, not necessarily. one of the things that local broadcasters said to the sec when it was going through the broadband process was, we should not be treated as if this is just an economic equation. we are entities that have special relationships with the community, often touting the importance of local news. and i think that's great. i think the response is that the best way for broadcasters to make sure they have all the spectrum they need is to fulfill their obligations to their, to their community. so it could be a win-win. broadcasters that take seriously the need to improve their local news or to offer local news and journalism will have a much stronger case in terms of spectrum, but more importantly they will help solve this problem of the potential crisis in journalism in america. >> andy? >> well, first of all, in direct response to your last question, the possibility that some portions of the spectrum that is presently being utilized by over the airtel vision will will be rededicated for broadban