weller. they were in an argument. get out of here, weller. it's gonna happen one way or the other. i will not let you do this. honey, what's going on? listen... i like that you're willing to fight for something. so i'm gonna give you a chance. how about we have a little bet? you win, we'll go away. we win, you do as we ask. you know what this wager was about? the last thing that he said was that he would never let anyone take our home away from us. honey, where are you going? you're scaring me. don't worry. i have to take care of something. be careful. he took off in our sport boat. it's the last time i saw him. i'm sorry. i... i can't say anymore. you mean you won't say anymore. no, i can't say anymore. delko: well, it was one of ivan's guys at the fight club. why would he want to take madden's yacht? let's ask him. yeah, and i took on all the bigger, tougher ones. but now that mr. clean's got this new select-a-size magic eraser, i mean, he can take on any size job. look how easily he gets things cleaned. it's enough to make you cry. you, specifically. not me. i'm just happy we do