wellhello, welcome to. the u.s. president urges congress to support the iran nuclear deal. after debate, lawmakers in japan are divided over whether to expand the military's powers. and up close and personal, nasa releases the first pictures of the historic fly-by near pluto. we begin with breaking news from yemen. several ministers of the exiled president have reached a port city. among them are ministers of health, enat ainterior and transports. this is after they had a setback. it's a strong hold. he's been contested since forced into exile three months ago. let's move on to other news now. to greece where the parliament approved tough economic measures needed to open the door for talks on an 86 billion euro bailout package. they struck the deal with international creditors on monday. in the end, 229 mps voted in favor of it, 64 against, 6 abstained. half of the no votes came within the party. >> at the end of a very long day, greek prime ministerel alexis tsipras pleaded to pass austerity measures. >> i admit they are harsh, don't agree with them. i don't believe it wil