calkins was hired by welslee, to teach greek in 1970. but the head professor in philosophy was looking for someone to introduce the new field of psychology and saw her potential. she offered calkins the position under the condition that she take graduate work in psychology. here was the problem. german universities were the mecca, they refused to teach women or made life difficult for them. other schools taught women but lacked a psychology laboratory. harvard had a famous one and william james and royce, requested that she be allowed in the seminar, and she was refused out right. than calkins' father wrote on his daughter's behalf, he stated, using the rule rules, d his inclusion of his daughter did not use the rules of inclusion, for we ask post graduate and professional instruction for one who is already a member of a college faculty. >> harvard agreed on those terms. but it was officially noted, by accepting this privilege, ms. calkins is not a student in the university, entitled to registration. in the fall of 1890, the principals b