laboratories after the government engaged in illegal racial profiles in the wen ho lee case. many of the legal rights and protections that we americans take for granted today are the direct result of countless lawsuits filed by the early chinese in the united states. but i'm afraid that the gains of the century and a half of activism, may be wiped out in a very short period of time. the u usa patriot act of 2001 and its sequel, proposed enhancement act of 2003, threatens to destroy many of these hard-won american rights, such as our right to habeas corpus hearings, or even our right to retain or u.s. citizenship. today officials are also evoking some of the most shameful legislation of the past to justify present policies in the name of security. a few months ago, representative howard cobalt, head of homeland security subcommittee shocked the asian-american community by defending the imprisonment of japanese-americans in the 1940s. he said, and i'll quote him -- "some probably were intent on doing harm to us just as some of these arab-american, probably intent on doing larm