and he became the hero of the small town of wenatchee, washington. and most of the people he picked up were welfare clients, people on welfare who knew nothing, who had poor lawyers, no lawyers. and they were all supposed to be part of a sex ring where people climbed in and out of a church. every one of the stories that i am telling you about was brought on convictions that no sane jury would have credited, on evidence that was simply incredible to behold. they were all the same kinds of pieces of evidence because in all of these cases, the prosecutors had an interconnected link of intelligence -- the same charges in every case. they had clowns, bad people dressed in costumes, children were made to watch animal sacrifices. i ask you in how many places... so it was nonetheless the case that the prosecutors in every case said, this case is different. it's not like these other cases. in every case, all the evidence was the same. that's because -- i have to stress this -- they had expert witnesses, and the expert witnesses would travel from trial to tria