wendell potter, who sort of made his name when he became passionate came before this committee and he told us how at the gets rid people they don't want to have to incher because they risk may be too high. and he's a formidable person. and he testified before committees last year about these plants. and he called them faking insurance, his words, designed to earn big profits for the injured but provide little value to customers. now, this is how mini meds were. most people in this room don't have express as indicated if you work at a restaurant or retail chain in this country, or if you're a young adult working a part-time or temporary job while you are looking for a permanent one, mini meds might be the only option that you have. those who offer this make a nice pitch. they hand out a nice glossy happy people found everywhere, but the statistics aren't quite as good. so here it is. that's what mcdonald's handset to its hourly restaurant employees, and part of what underlies this hearing, from my point of view, is what our human beings and how are they going to be treated? and if you'