offer some answers as someone who knows the business of for profit health insurance very well wendell potter a former vice president of corporate communications for cigna turned health care industry whistleblower and currently the senior fellow on health care for the center for media and democracy he's also the author of the book deadly spin and insurance company insider speaks out about how corporate p.r. is killing health care and deceiving americans run but welcome to the program. why is united health care rolling in dough worded this is how can how can one guy stephen hemsley walk off with a billion dollars how is this even possible in america we'll talk about not life and death issue yeah in fact by the time it's all over time he retires and that stash of stuff about from the much much greater than that is because these companies take a lot of what we we pay them in for our premiums and skim it off for other purposes and that's more and more and more every year that's happening and that's why congress by the way had a provision in the health care reform law to at least require the spin