his name was wendell wilkie. he came from and deanna and was the head of the commonwealth and southern utilities corp., a holding company that controlled the power supply is millions of americans. wilkie had never before run for public office. and until very recently, believe it or not, he had been a democrat. unlike the other republican candidates, wilkie was a moderate who believed that the government needed to take some responsibility for the security and well-being of its citizens. he agreed with much of the new deal, but he claimed that he managed both programs more efficiently. on the subject of the war in europe, wilkie was determined to stand up to hit land supply of great britain with all possible aid. he said that a british defeat would be a calamity for the united states. on the fourth evening at the convention, delegations finally cast their vote. on the first ballot, do we held a significant lead. taft, wilkie and the others trailed far behind. but the third ballot, wilkie jumped to second place and t