in 1940, they forced on the republicans a man named wendell willkie who wasn't even a republican. he had been a democrat, and he was kind of a 90-day wonder. they enlisted all the media. they did a lot of crooked things, and they put him over as the nominee and he ran for president on the republican ticket and lost to roosevelt. and then in 1944, they tried a governor, former governor of new york, named tom dewey, the one whom somebody called looking like the little man on the wedding cake. and he didn't do very well in 1944 and then came 1948 and they had the gall to nominate tom dewey again, which we the grass-roots were very much opposed to. but they forced him on us and there was a lot of opposition to the grassroots. i remember alice roosevelt longworth said you can't make a souffle rise twice, but at any rate, tom dewey was the candidate. and there were all kinds of wonderful issues that he could have talked about. the truman scandals, the korean war, the communist infiltration of our government, the alger hiss case, but tom dewey waged a me too campaign and he lost. and roo