west wendover we'll is what he's called. and his job has been to tampa travelers off of interstate 80 near the utah-nevada border. pull them off the road to this tiny casino commerce. and most evenly a little lighter on the wallet. knowing precious little about the stories west wendover like to tell. about the research who come here to break speed records in the nearby flats. about the local airbase, from which the analogy took off or hiroshima. but there's also the story they whispered to each other, up and down the little strip. the one that shocked them all. the puzzles then still. about the terrible night when three families lost their teenage children. about the dark mysteries respond under the pointy green of west wendover will. it was a thursday afternoon. a windy, late winter day in the high desert. here at the local high school, star runner micaela costanzo cleaned up after truck practice. "mickey" as everybody called her, intended to walk home. not far, about a mile. her usual ride, her sister christina, was out of