discussion as part of our trade negotiations we discussed this story with the cultural historian wendy earle and also with my once our political and social commentator. you can't go around the world nicking stuff and then just saying we're going to keep hold of it because it's really valuable and we want people to come and see it it just is awash now adays in a i hate saying it but in a relatively woken like in society people are asking for their stuff back and it's very hard to construct a case when we go around the world stealing stuff and don't get back i think history itself is a very complicated place to go history is complex we do very well in britain threat education system and so our western media missed telling and misstating it we we don't half pick and choose what and how we tell history i mean we can say that the item and this is the worst of it so stewardship of the times in me we should be trying to we should be trying to have a discussion about this rather than you trying to interrupt me and the point i know it's a case not only do i know he believes there is a history what we