. >> wendy james? absent. cochair adele wilson? here. council member sarah burr get, council member, harry wong. >> reading and approval of the agenda. >> item one introduction of roll call. item 2 action item. reading and approving of the agenda. no. 3, public comment. each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. >> item 4, information item report from the chair. no. 5, information item report from the director of the mayor's office and disability. >> item 6, information item. proposition c. the affordable housing. the impact on affordable and accessible house ing in san francisco. at 2:10 the council will take a break. no. 7, improvement plan. no. 8 information item, report from disaster preparedness committee. >> no. 9, public comment. no. 10 information item. >> no. 11 announcements, no. 12, adjournment. >> is there a motion to approve the agenda ? >> so moved. >> all those in favor, say aye? >> okay. thank you. >> let's go to team 3. public comment on today's agenda but within the jurisdiction of the mod. each speaker is limited 3 minutes.