joining us, psychologist wendy walsh. dy, michaele garecht's mom, she talked about being relieved. you know, she's waiting here, yes, she wants answers. this is 20 years after her little girl goes missing. what is she going through? >> imagine the emotional work of a mother who's lost a child. anybody who's lost somebody close is probably familiar with the denial, anger, bartering, depression and finally acceptance. she was snapped back into bartering. maybe if we searched this house, maybe there's a chance. maybe then she'll live. so she's going to be doing that work of mourning all over again. and every time there's a glimmer of hope, people with missing children have to work through those same feelings of loss again. it's a very, very difficult road to walk. >> i spoke to her and she -- she's not backing away from the hope and the faith that michaele -- who can blame her? she's clinging to hope. >> one of the examples of the elizabeth smart taught us all is to keep our eyes open and to continue to hope. it's only when t