and i found this surprising, if not shocking, so i invited psychologist wendy walsh to come chat. ndy, welcome back to the show, first of all. you watched this, i'm sure like i did, it seems the judge bought the story from the defense who said the kid was suffering from affluenza, affluent and enza, a disease, his wealthy parents let him get away with pretty much anything. it sounded outrageous to me. what did you think? is there something to this? >> well, it sounds outrageous to all of us, but it's important, dr. gupta, to remember that there are two arguments and two things that we should consider when we're thinking about this case. first is the idea of social class, is this a rich guy getting off because his parents can afford it? and the other issue is age. you know, the legal system looks at people under the age of 18 as partly being rehabilitatable because they have a developing brain. so, i think that maybe in this case the legal system looked at this terrible, terrible tragedy and said, really, what is best for society? for this young 16-year-old to be put in prison, take