wendy weiser let me bring you back in at this point. there were states that were in the vanguard of passing these new requirements. have they been an election or two now that we can look at the results and see what worked and what didn't work? >> you know, we have seen recently results of the government accountability office just issued a report looking at the impact in a new strict i.d. requirements in kansas and in tennessee. in both case it is found a marked decrease in voter turn out attributable to those strict photo i.d. requirements. it's important to keep in mind the i.d. requirements and the i.d. requirements. the new environment requirements that we're seeing in wisconsin, texas, kansas, these are not the i.d.s that we've been using for years. these are much more restrictive, and provide no opportunity for voters who don't have limited forms of i.d. to find another way of identifying themselves. as judge richard posner one of the leading conservative injurist and one of the judges who upheld in the seventh circuit court of app