so just a few words, a short roll-in from professor wendy wright. >> i think people are most familiar with figures like teresa of ahumada, some of the great - john of the cross, these great carmelite mystics of the tradition whose writings, especially as they attempt to describe the interior experience of this intimacy and these various dimensions - in other words, they talk about an interior path, an interior castle, or a process of going - the intimacy with god, and the writings of these peoples have been very influential. people have responded to them because spiritual journey is not only exterior and not only has to do with ideas and who they're with, but it also has to do with a growing sense of - again, that gathering of one's own energies around the focal point of god, and that those are - in the christian tradition, it's often said that there are primitive movements. in other words, there's a way in which you make space in yourself through those disciplines, through prayer or whatever, and then god's own energy, god's own light that is illuminate you as move farther into the e