. -- wenk the uber story like it from an equity side, risk reward, but there is a lot and positive fundamentalshere, especially on the shorter piece. jonathan: another example of the equity like attractiveness being captured in the debt market when it should not be? >> we are seeing people on the fixed income side take equity-like bets in the market and that is usually a light cycle phenomenon. consider the duration of the bonds in the high-yield space. that is a fairly equity-light investment. jonathan: i cannot tell you what will happen to uber in five years, eight years. seven .5%, does that get it done for you? >> on a nominal basis, sure. looks great in today's market but i don't have familiarity with their financials. in fact, a very near a group actually do. kathy and i were talking about during the break. high-yield press are about as tight as they are going to get? i think so. a light cycle, typically, buyers can expect a high probability of negative returns. at some point, this party ends. jonathan: high-yield u.s.? >> we think we are clearly bouncing along the bottom. my will tell yo