. >> one of them was a household name, werner von braun, the father of the f-2 rocket with john f.ennedy. very prominent in the united states, but he was in charge of a program where a lot of people died. >> he was in charge of the ss and the u.s. helped von braun to white wash his past. imagine how importantly it was, that space race with the soviets was the key to supremacy and there was no way that the american public could swallow this idea that von braun had some very dark hearted programs going on in world war ii. >> it's horrible to think about and then you talk about these doctors and other individuals who were involved in all of these experiments, one of them was siegfried ruff, he said personally i would not consider these experiments as immoral, especially in war time. and he was acquitted at nurenburg. >> he was one of seven tried at nurenburg. after all these years that finally showed that those men were on a wanted war crimes list. we knew they were conducting medical experiments but we hired them anyways. >> some objected to operation paper clip, some of them albert