>> well, long-term use, chronic use definitely you have what we call wernicke's encephalopathy, where it's the vitamin depletion. it's a depletion of folic acid and thiamin, which can lead to confusion, forgetfulness, and ultimately to a form of dementia. liver disease. again, the liver can take many insults, but it will get to the point where the amount of alcohol that's being consumed will be too much for the liver to rebound, and you can start having liver abnormalities as a result of, ultimately possibly some degree of liver cirrhosis. yeah, it's real. >> esophagus? >> it's real. esophageal cancer -- high risk. are totally preventable, so why abuse ourselves like that, right? so this is really something. so, now, what about the study? what are we doing here to help folks and what could people do to participate? >> well, from my standpoint, one of the areas -- again, the study was very good, and the call to action is truly looking at community-based programming tied in with some of the treatment providers. you know, are we providing education? are we providing early intervention? i