one of the most memorable villains is a fellow named wesley milch. if you've seen the recent new fee, they chose to pronounce his name. i just don't get it. when i read atlas shrugged two ways mooch. we have our own real-world wesley milch. his name is barney frank. now, i don't normally use notes and i apologize for leaving these notes around, but i have them because they want to make exact quotations without error. you might remember one of the refrains is every time he wesley milch did some ridiculous thing and the economy even worse, he and his cronies have made in washington and david say, we need broader powers. we know government is the only enterprise makes the mistake bigger. let me quote her in a frank. after the collapse of the housing industry, a collapse any other engineered from his position in the u.s. congress getting fannie and freddie to loan money and subsidized loans of money to people who couldn't possibly ever own a home, could never pay that mortgage is. that was all barney frank's work. when asked what we should do to clean up