. -- wesley mooch. we like him to barney frank who was the godfather of fannie mae and freddie mac. the two of them, mozilla in the private sector and frank and the public sector with this unholy alliance that allowed countrywide and people who profited by imitating countrywide to create loans people could never repay. why would you do that? they turned around and sold those to the federal government. how was that made possible? by barney frank for fannie and freddie in the name of all kinds of high-minded altruistic social benefits. housing for everybody and put 4 people in to mcmansions they can't afford. that is the world of "atlas shrugged". the world we barely survived in the financial crisis and still struggling to come out of. >> host: what do you do for a living? >> investment advisor for other investment advisers. >> host: what does that mean? >> i give strategic advice on stock market and currency market and commodity market and other investment managers who serve -- hedge fund managers and the like. >> host: in your work how much government regulation is in what you do? >