a special collections archive at wesleyan university. i also came across a very valuable and useful oral history that was conducted by the john f. kennedy presidential library if 1978 with brigadier general god friday mc quen, and this just falls into the category of pure dumb luck. i happened to be working at the kennedy library on the day 31 years after he conducted the interview that mc cue's interview was declassified, so within hours of it being open to the public, i was able to get access to it and use it for the first time and i will talk later on about some of the insights that this oral history arises, but finally, because i'm asking different questions of the material, there's a lot of information that's been open to the public for a long time, that other people looking into this issue have not focused on. there's at both, the johnson library and at the national archives in washington, d.c., for example, there is a report conducted by the secret service, where all the secret service agents involved in the presidential detail an