for them wasn‘t winning the world cup, but more about the examp he provided to those at the west ham abgd meym abgd mey. -- academy. anybody who goes to any club academy, you want to encourage them to join and to be able to look to progress in your career. at the time, west ham, yeah, they did 0k, career. at the time, west ham, yeah, they did ok, but it wasn‘t one of they did ok, but it wasn‘t one of the big clubs, if you sort of looked at it now, it wouldn‘t in the top six, but you know it was very affectionately thought of and we played great football and won game and lost some and martin was part with bobby and geoff in creating. they never could invest in a big enough squad to be a challenge for a league title or a championship. but they got their success. martin then of the three, was the first to leave. he went to spurs and got trophies and he went to norwich and 200 games f you speak to spurs and norwich people, they loved him, because of the way he was committed on the pitch, but the way he had time for supporters off it. that was the big thing. he was humble was the word, he enjoyed