west papua, indonesia. last untouched rainforests on the planet are being cleared to make way for oil palm plantations. indigenous tribes paid less than $10 us a hectare for their ancestral lands. here, a south korean palm oil giant carried out deliberate and illegal burning on its land. you have to develop a technique that can determine if a fire is intentional or not. this can bring liability to big corporations who are in charge of these concession sites. the company at the centre of this story associated with the world's leading sustainable certification body. sings. the forest of west papua are some of the most biodiverse in the world. filled with unique flora and fauna, these rainforests are sacred and essential to the hundreds of indigenous tribes who call them home. mandobo tribal elder petrus kinggo explains how the sago palms that grow wild in these forests are a staple food for his community. six years ago he got involved in something that changed his tribe's fate forever. he negotiated with a ko