outside of the west rangel you're a long time champion of women's rights in india what's the response to me to be like over there. the little red and the whole campaign started on social media with hash tag mean to the million women also onto the whole you know the kind of speaking out as talking about themselves and around twenty five thousand women joined that campaign in india and also a lot of them really wanted to speak about their own experiences but when we restart the kind of expression they did not really come out with i didn't become the person and they did not really got regret it happened to them but there's definitely said that they also feel stiction hardest men at work places they've also been victim of the kind of relationship at work place with their bosses with the professors and also the whole media became very very active but i believe boot camp in what really was very critical was involved i can see the destruction the heart of every woman that they could find a space on social media and could see that this is what's happening to me too not a recently the african