>> on that topic this group called the westboro baptist church.s i've gone to burial brothers in arlington have them protest across the street. but we dive into what they do one at family as a lawyer and they trying to entice you to attack them as they can sue you and earn money. but in this country that's legal. and they're the most active during president obama's tenure. so the westboro baptist church to tell me that all my brothers and sisters all those country are no he wants a sensor. i want you to tell me which will undermine the defenseman who cares. now i know who you are what you really think. tweeted all day so i know to do with it. but the sensor that's week ends about argument. also he should focus on saving netflix. [laughs] [laughs] is the one was working for him they paid him a lot. speak to a million. >> dana: one of the most bipartisan issues in america is what he said. you see people from many people in the right and the left all saying that the social media companies because they won't reveal their own i will older rhythm. you c