westerbelt, sorry, the buyer beware where it becomes the onus is on the patient themselves. in order to look after themselves, so you can give advice and tell people not to smoke, not to drink, take, give it 5 a day, fruit and veg. at the end of the day, if somebody ends up overweight and with a lung condition for smoking, they still can't blame me. so what point does that owners have responsibility for back on the patient? you know what we're already in jeopardy because that's exactly the situation we doctors name at the moment. for example, if i was to get the patients and advice today and the patient doesn't necessarily follow that advice, doesn't necessarily come back to see me again, like i ask them to do. and then suddenly they develop this illness and they come back and see me and say, well, the doctor found it. my argument back would be, well, you didn't come back to me like ask you to or you didn't do the things that i asked you to. nonetheless, i will have to go through the process of calls and then the possibility that the individual may be successful if they can