and language don't go means the mountain of caucasian goats the reserve is the only habitat of western caucasian goats in the wild here they don't move about very much a small herd might well stay for decades in the same area high in the mountains one thousand nine hundred metres above sea level. the only trail leading across. the pos begins in the embargo grassland. caucuses reserve ranges often use it to make rounds of the area they always do it on horseback a round trip usually takes one week. where they come across perches interests on this path. in europe is the only way here there are rocks on one side and a thick tangle of red as android on the other it is very difficult terrain. all . the ranges camp out in small pots and it's always cold in the mountains at night. or. shortly before dawn the metering kill head to a small flat mountain top according to an old caucasian legend do you often meets the sunrise in the mountains lives a long and happy life. real you can no see mode you go in you're right. the sun will rise from behind the pass. we're going to choose the highest point for filmi