no, i'm an in the trenches teacher of western illinois university and i taught to thousands and thousands of students down there. most of them think of me as kind of a metabolic impediment to their more practical goals in life because westerns have very practical schools, so i constantly have to win them over. but, the personal side, nobody has ever come up to me and said for taking this course, beliefs and believers, that somehow it ruined their religious life or confused them. if anything if i hear anything it's usually the opposite. well, that's just not the goal of this class to enlarge in or enliven your particular personal religious search. there's nothing wrong with it if it does occur. and when we become better friends here, a few weeks down the pike, it will be fun to share some of those stories as you begin to reflect on what other people believe. as someone up here so eloquently put it, you know, you can make your own search, your own journey that much richer and we love that. you don't have to pay extra for that. it just comes with it and if it happens, wonderful. and we can s