[music] westfield high school is located on the western part of the county by the dulles airport area in chantilly, virginia. we have approximately 2,750 students here. we do have a student services department here at westfield. it comprises of these school counselors. we have a school psychologist and school social worker. i kind of look at the counselors as always being the first line of defense. they want to make sure that kids in this school succeed, and they want to make sure you do your best at all things, even if they have to push you a little bit. what we try to do is be proactive, rather than reactionary. we sit down and talk every year about our programs and what we do here, to try to see how can we sort of more get ahead of the issues, rather than just reacting to 'em. some common issues that students face is peer pressure, especially with drugs and alcohol and all those things. and i think for mental health, it's more of a "we don't talk about it" mentality. it's hard to kinda be open about it, 'cause you don't want to alienate yourself. the earlier you catch it, in most c