. >> our visit to wheeling continues with a tour of the museum, former home of westford and industrialists. we will learn about his lasting impact on wheeling. >> clear at the ogilvie institute and mansion museum in wheeling, west virginia. this is actually one of the largest city parks in the united states. people are surprised, they think it may be a state park. this museum was the former .ummer estate of earl w ogilvie when you think of great american industrialist, you may not have heard of mr. ogilvie. he knew those people, work directly with john d rockefeller. he was a native of this area. he was born across the river in bridgeport, ohio. when he was five years old his dad moved to wheeling. he was in the host cell measure industry and involved in a stockholder, iron industry and in nails, which was a big thing. wheeling made and produced a lot of cut nails, which was very important, because being located on the national road and river that was the national highway and railroads, cut nails were used to make all of the things out west. this was an important part of the industry. at t