. >> a new generation of reactors like the westinghouse ap 100, its backup system doesn't use regular source of power to cool down. >> helping mitigate the issues we had at fukushima. >> westinghouse, even the new design requires a constant flow of water to the reactor core to prevent melt-down. the next generation of reactors will make things even safer. >> why could you not divine a reactor that had no notion to release nuclear material? i set out to save the world with nuclear power. >> taylor wilson is part of a new generation of nuclear enthusiasts, call them nuclear environmentalists. at 14, wilson became the youngest person ever to create nuclear fusion. >> you keep yellowed cake in your lab because -- >> well i process the stuff. i collect all sorts of nuclear things. pieces the government lost out of airplanes. some people collect baseball cards, i collect yellow cake. >> small scale modular reactors that simply can't melt down like today's designs. >> for example earthquake. you break in your primary loop, where does the cooling water go? goes out the break. what's cooling t