because it affects business decisions if you like if you think in this situation the current situation westman decisions about locations of production plants for example they are delayed massively probably and firms just want to wait until they have a more solid basis for that before those kind of expensive decisions it's not this is u.k. is losing out in many in many cases this is what we hear this is what we hear that . firms are relocating already they are taking production processes from the island back to the mainland of europe we hear that from for from the banking industry in particular that they are opening offices or increasing headcount in the offices in frankfurt or dublin or paris so this is already happening costing the firms and costing the whole market in a way money and in addition these these these days prolonging decisions i guess this is probably the thing that will also cost in the future because it stoltz the whole development of the industries and generates costs over decades not only in the current situation what about tariffs well that's another thing which obviously wi