weweook at thehe livelihood tody because we do feel there is such a a big economy basased ard the wolf and there are a lot of us were trying to make our livelihoods around the wolf, two. so it is not just the livestock inducersrs livelihood or the elk hunting outfitters livelihoodd that we are talking about in the western will debate. there is a lot of tourism livelihood that isis at stake t- . -- at stake, too. did allowstone economist survey where he estimated people are spending about $35 million every year in the communities araround yellowstone to do this. so it is a significant impact for our economy to have these animals back and people coming to it to see that. >> we never had the expectation that yellowstone wolves would always be protected.. we accept and understand that, when they leave our park, they fall into a different situation. that is part of our understanding. we now have data on what happens when wolves leave a particular place like yellowstone. over last month, we have lost 11 yellowstone park wolves who spent host of their lives in the ark. they don't understand p