. -- wework spotify has signed a major new licensing deal with warner music group.ings -- streaming -- music streaming service as a possible prelude to a public stock offering. finally for business, say it ain't so good wine production in france set to fall to the lowest level since 1991. the agriculture ministry says production is expected down 18% this year after severe spring frost hit vineyards across the country. france is the world's largest -- second largest wine producer behind italy. the wine and spirit is the second largest exporter and the -- accounted for 10 and a half billion -- 10.5 billion euros last year, especially during harvest time. the drop is not just that for exports, the french also drink more wine than any other country in the world. i try to contribute as much as i can. some of those see prices and the glasses will get that much more expensive. thank you very much for that. the time for our press review. ♪ i am joined in the studio by florence for a look at what is grabbing headlines. we're going to start out with press in russia focusing o