but i've got things also like whalebone. so the colonists were eating whatever they could get their hands on. whale. i have got bottlenose dolphin here. box turtles. box lunches? and they ate a lot of these. they talk about these. we found lots and lots of these shells. they'd actually scrape out the bones and resuse the shell as a drinking bowl. beside the indications of the things they were eating, we also have the arrival of a group of castaways from the sea venture shipwreck in 1609. they spent nine months in bermuda, and when they came, they brought bermuda sea shells. like the scallop. that is quite large. clean conch shell here. another beautiful shell. they are collecting them like we would, as souvenirs of their voyage, but also if they get back to england, they can sell these two gentlemen who are collecting exotic objects from around the world. and speaking of exotic objects, in this bottle here, which probably held pharmaceuticals, medicinal substances, we actually found beetles. we had them analyze, and i actual