internet, youngsters are simply going to simply head to the wharves, sign up for a two-year whaling expedition, harpoon a humpback, render its blubber into lamp oil, and then spend the next two months painstakingly carving erotic imagery into the whale's bleached bones, just so they can get their rocks off. so parents, be on the lookout for strange behavior. the next time junior's in the bathroom too long, knock on the door and shout, "what are you doing in there, young man? are you engaging in the ancient maritime art of scrimshaw? oh no? then why did i find this bottle of 19th century tobacco juice that whalers used to darken their engravings under your mattress? answer me!" [laughter] and parents, if you have a collection of whale-bone pornography of your own, make sure it's password-protected. don't use queequeg-- way too obvious. [laughter] [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's a