actually touches them, when they have a family member who dies violently and they want to know whatappenedd when there are good answers to those questions, people are grateful. if there are not good answers, there is no place for them to go to get an answer, so they have to take what's out there. >> this one, i think i really should have... slipped up. i should have done... >> bergman: remember dr. thomas gill, who was coached in that murder case in northern california and was called an "incompetent pathologist" by the state bar? a year after that trial, he left northern california to do autopsies in kansas city, missouri. in kansas city, dr. gill made news again. an independent second autopsy revealed that a man dr. gill said committed suicide actually died from an injury sustained in a car accident. >> deputy medical examiner gill told kctv 5 in march, "mistakes happen." >> at times, even though we do our best, new information arises which necessitates an amendment being made. >> bergman: eventually, dr. gill left kansas city, and that's when he made the most surprising move of his caree