c rewec the market,noc ,rec 2qugiduc 2 t expectations for whatdu@ sayingi what kind of a day wenoc mrear not noc kirendc o2f groqu stimulus.noetc rec 2qugidu @ugidu going tolet's face it, we been t winds.noc reisnoc re tc he2qu giduusie: and anothernoc isre eu @ attention to euro2qu pgiosduitie today@oosted confidence but what do the rec en in europe that willoreno qu>>giduc 2rugidu@@ -- unfortune p. morgan.noc re lnoetc 'sre gc@ mentioned, president obion, a bernanke tal c reinc 2 c retc om2orrow,ru ogiurdu " @ 2rugidu @volatile market, including one >> susie: the white house noc ri rugi proposing a three-moc rec 2 @ext service's septemdlruingie duto . said run ruougit duof ca@shlementings noghting back agains c 2housinsug gifiduna7 cases c 2 duins@titutions @ former w.m.c.e noinc acrecu residential morgage-burities ins noc rec 2sugidu2sugidu@@noc recu economists saying thec edre fc @ are you doing to change youtugie simple advichere's ramit seti, 2 c re potuligitiducs the stock market is down rec 2tu @what should we be doing with o tugidu@es: read a singleon mana. wnoc rec 2en i survey