sorry to disturb you, captain but i have admiral whatley calling from starfleet headquarters. i'll take it in here. admiral. how've you been? never better. glad to hear it. i know you've been waiting for this news. i'm glad to be the one who tells you. bajor's petition to join the federation has been approved. it's about time. congratulations, ben. you've done a hell of a job out there. thank you. and we're not the only ones who think so. the bajorans requested that the signing ceremony take place on your station. so make sure you spruce up that floating bicycle wheel of yours. count on a lot of brass showing up for this one, captain. quark: shh! shh! shh! shhhh! computer, spotlight. drum roll! "welcome klingons." i see you're prepared for anything. never hurts. i take it you think the federation membership is going to be good for business? of course it is. this station is going to get busier than an alvanian beehive. i expect to do five times the volume in root beer alone. you see... it's all about foot traffic. the more people come in, the more they drink. the more they drin