good is whato randy was talking about. seem to bejudges they were very concerned that the fcc, by prohibiting this discrimination against edge providers, was treating internet access providers like telephone companies. common carriers have to serve everybody indiscriminately. they cannot discriminate in their rates, conditions, terms. the judges felt this exactly what the net neutrality rules did. you cannot treat non-common carriers like common carriers. let me tell you why the judges should not go with their concerns and why they should allow -- let me finish this one point. the common carrier relationship is formed when an internet access provider has a customer. under the net neutrality rules, let's say i am verizon and you are a verizon customer. i can refuse to serve you. peter, i do not want to serve you. i will charge you more than i charge randy. there is no customer relationship between edge provider and my internet access provider. the net neutrality rules say if you are iron accents -- if you are an access prov