that, whatprocess goes into your deciding whether i was not thinking about the age thing.t is better than being dead. my mom says all the time. the only way to not lift a girl does die young. the larger thing i was getting at is you do not have to do that at this point. you have earned the right to say no. when you decide you're going to subject yourself to that what is your process for making that decision? had no idea i would get offered this and i started changing my diet and eating, not eating as much pasta and bread and i was working out so my body had changed and i my bodye better than than i did in my 20's are 30's. theought, that can't be reason i say no. i trusted them and i doubt they would respect what i felt comfortable doing. i thought it was worth it, the story line. after i got closer to it i just knew that it was a real interval part of margaret scully's journey. in,from there it is a day day out. meeting the director. it is terrifying. i was not very comfortable but the thing that made it comfortable was they are so respectful of everyone on that set. alwa